Automated security testing and reporting for mobile apps, powered by iOS and Android virtual devices. Discover vulnerabilities in your mobile apps in minutes.

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Revolutionize mobile app pentesting with MATRIX™

Corellium simplifies mobile security testing by removing the limitations of physical devices and bringing high-cost and high-risk outsourced testing services in-house. Corellium is a comprehensive mobile app security testing (MAST) platform, and is offered as a Corellium cloud solution or as onsite Corellium server and desktop appliances.


Lower Costs

Unlike other solutions and services that are priced per-test or per-app, Corellium provides a cost-efficient “all-you-can-test” pricing model.


Accelerate Testing

Alleviate up to 75% of the mundane, routine work required of pentesters for every test run. Execute hundreds of security tests in minutes.

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Mitigate Risks

Outsourcing to service providers introduces risks for your mobile app IP and security policies, while Corellium empowers you to do everything in-house.


Increase Consistency

Establish baseline assessment reports to increase test coverage consistency and reproducibility, and easily identify security vulnerability regressions.


Test Continuously

Incorporate continuous security testing earlier into your CI/CD flows (shift left) to improve DevSecOps and achieve faster time-to-time market for your mobile apps. 


Facilitate Compliance

Automated AppSec reporting facilitates standards adherence and compliance submissions that are otherwise cumbersome and time-consuming.

Accelerate security testing cycles

MATRIX automates a significant portion of dynamic and static testing recommended by the OWASP Mobile App Security Testing Guide for iOS and Android apps. This alleviates as much as 75% of the mundane, routine work required of pentesters, freeing up their time for more advanced security testing where their skills really shine.


Upload your app

Test for iOS and Android app vulnerabilities on virtual devices, eliminating the need for physical phones.


Identify keywords

Define a collection of sensitive strings for targeted analyses and reduction of false positives.


Run hundreds of tests

One click to begin analyzing your application for static and dynamic security issues.


Track your progress

Track the number of vulnerabilities over time and evaluate the strength of your product’s security posture.

Generate AppSec reports

MATRIX produces an easy to understand security assessment that includes pass/fail results, information about the tests, evidence identified, and recommended remediations.


Click to preview the sample report that contains over 70 authorization, code, cryptographic, network, and storage checks.

Save more than just time

MATRIX can help save countless hours and costs associated with mobile security testing.

Cost savings per year with Corellium:


Innovate mobile security testing

MATRIX Flow Diagram


Integrate into SDLC workflows

When integrated into a CI/CD pipeline, the Corellium platform can be actioned to bring up virtual mobile devices, install and run apps, execute security testing, and output results.



Why and how is MATRIX different?

Learn more about MATRIX

MATRIX technology simplifies the work of mobile app security testing and AppSec compliance teams.

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